Source code for alogos._grammar.visualization.grammar_with_railroad

import random as _random
import string as _string

import railroad as _railroad

from ..._utilities import operating_system as _operating_system
from .. import data_structures as _data_structures

[docs]def create_syntax_diagram(grammar): """Create a figure of a syntax diagram that represents the grammar. References ---------- - """ # Railroad diagram styling options _railroad.DIAGRAM_CLASS = ( "rd" # class set on the root <svg> element of each diagram ) _railroad.VS = 14 # vertical separation between two items _railroad.AR = 14 # radius of the arcs used in branching containers # Generate a title and diagram for each non-terminal html_parts = [] title_template = '<div class="rd-title" id="{text}_§TOKEN§">{text}:</div>' for lhs in grammar.nonterminal_symbols: # Create div element holding the title title = title_template.format(text=lhs.text) # Create SVG element holding the diagram rhs_multiple = grammar.production_rules[lhs] rr_choices = [] for rhs in rhs_multiple: sequence = [] for symbol in rhs: if isinstance(symbol, _data_structures.NonterminalSymbol): href_to_div = "#{text}_§TOKEN§".format(text=symbol.text) rr_symbol = _railroad.NonTerminal(symbol.text, href_to_div) else: if symbol.text == "": rr_symbol = _railroad.Skip() else: rr_symbol = _railroad.Terminal(symbol.text) sequence.append(rr_symbol) rr_sequence = _railroad.Sequence(*sequence) rr_choices.append(rr_sequence) rr_content = _railroad.Choice(0, *rr_choices) rr_diagram = _railroad.Diagram(rr_content, type="complex", css=None) rr_diagram.format(15) svg = _railroad_diagram_to_svg(rr_diagram) # Collect results html_parts.append(title) html_parts.append(svg) # Convert parts to a HTML string html_text = _CSS + "".join(html_parts) fig = GrammarFigure(html_text) return fig
def _railroad_diagram_to_svg(diagram): """Convert a railroad diagram object into SVG text.""" roc = _RailroadOutputCollector() diagram.writeSvg(roc) return roc.text class _RailroadOutputCollector: """Collect the outputs generated by writeSvg of a railroad diagram object.""" def __init__(self): """Prepare the collection of multiple outputs.""" = [] def __call__(self, part): """Collect a single output.""" @property def text(self): """Combine all outputs to a single string.""" return "".join(
[docs]class GrammarFigure: """Data structure for wrapping, displaying and exporting a Grammar figure.""" # Initialization
[docs] def __init__(self, html_template): """Initialize a figure with a partly filled HTML template containing a visualization.""" self._html_template = html_template
# Representations def __repr__(self): """Compute the "official" string representation of the figure.""" return "<{} object at {}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, hex(id(self))) def _repr_html_(self): """Provide rich display representation in HTML format for Jupyter notebooks.""" return self.html_text_partial # Display in browser or notebook
[docs] def display(self, inline=False): """Display the plot in a webbrowser or as IPython rich display representation. Parameters ---------- inline : bool If True, the plot will be shown inline in a Jupyter notebook. """ if inline: from IPython.display import HTML, display display(HTML(self.html_text_partial)) else: _operating_system.open_in_webbrowser(self.html_text_standalone)
# Further representations @property def html_text(self): """Create a HTML text representation.""" return self.html_text_standalone @property def html_text_standalone(self): """Create a standalone HTML text representation.""" html_text = _HTML.format(self.html_text_partial) return html_text @property def html_text_partial(self): """Create a partial HTML text representation without html, head and body tags.""" html_text = self._html_template.replace("§TOKEN§", self._generate_random_id()) return html_text # Export as HTML file (interactive)
[docs] def export_html(self, filepath): """Export the plot as HTML file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Filepath of the created HTML file. If the file exists it will be overwritten without warning. If the path does not end with ".html" it will be changed to do so. If the parent directory does not exist it will be created. Returns ------- filepath : str Filepath of the generated HTML file, guaranteed to end with ".html". """ # Precondition used_filepath = _operating_system.ensure_file_extension(filepath, "html") # Transformation with open(used_filepath, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file_handle: file_handle.write(self.html_text) return used_filepath
@staticmethod def _generate_random_id(length=32): symbols = _string.ascii_letters + _string.digits return "r" + "".join(_random.choice(symbols) for _ in range(length))
_HTML = """<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> </head> <body> {} </body> </html>""" _CSS = """ <style> .rd-title { font: 14px monospace; white-space: pre; margin-top: 1ex; font-weight: bold; } svg.rd text { font: 14px monospace; white-space: pre; text-anchor: middle; } svg.rd path { stroke-width: 1; stroke: black; fill: rgba(0,0,0,0); } svg.rd rect { stroke-width: 1; stroke: black; } svg.rd g.non-terminal rect { fill: white; } svg.rd g.non-terminal a { text-decoration: none; } svg.rd g.non-terminal a text:hover { font-weight:bold; } svg.rd g.terminal rect { fill: #00864b; } svg.rd g.terminal text { fill: white; } </style> """