Source code for alogos._optimization.ea.reporting

[docs]class MinimalReporter: """A reporter that generates minimal output for an algorithm run."""
[docs] def init_start(self, gen, time_start, time_now): """Report on start of initialization of the first generation.""" message = "{:<16} {:<16} {:<16} {:<16} {:<16}".format( "Progress", "Generations", "Evaluations", "Runtime (sec)", "Best fitness" ) self.write(message)
[docs] def init_end(self, n): """Report on end of initialization of the first generation.""" pass
[docs] def map_gen_phe(self): """Report on performing genotype-to-phenotype evaluation.""" pass
[docs] def map_phe_fit(self): """Report on performing phenotype-to-fitness evaluation.""" pass
[docs] def calc_phe(self, n, n_unique, n_cached, n_calc): """Report on genotype-to-phenotype evaluation results.""" pass
[docs] def calc_fit(self, n, n_unique, n_cached, n_db, n_calc): """Report on phenotype-to-fitness evaluation results.""" pass
[docs] def select_par(self, gen, time, n, n_par): """Report on parent selection.""" pass
[docs] def select_sur(self, n_old, n_off, n_sel): """Report on survivor selection.""" pass
[docs] def cross_over(self, n_par, n_crs): """Report on variation by crossover.""" pass
[docs] def mutate(self, n_crs, n_mut): """Report on variation by mutation.""" pass
[docs] def gen_end(self, state): """Report on end of a generation.""" gen = state.num_generations if gen % 10 == 0: time = state.runtime evals = state.num_phe_to_fit_evaluations fit = message = ". {:<16} {:<16} {:<16.1f} {}".format(gen, evals, time, fit) self.write(message) elif gen % 5 == 0: self.write(".", end=" ") else: self.write(".", end="")
[docs] def run_end(self, state): """Report on end of a run.""" gen = state.num_generations time = state.runtime evals = state.num_phe_to_fit_evaluations fit = message = "{:<16} {:<16} {:<16} {:<16.1f} {:<16}".format( "Finished", gen, evals, time, fit ) self.write("") self.write("") self.write(message)
[docs] def write(self, message, end=None): """Write a single message with context-sensitive formatting.""" if end is None: print(message) else: print(message, end=end)
[docs]class VerboseReporter: """A reporter that generates verbose output for an algorithm run."""
[docs] def init_start(self, gen, time_start, time_now): """Report on start of initialization of the first generation.""" self.write("╭─ Run started ── {}".format(time_start)) self.write("", level=1) self.write("├ Generation {} ── {}".format(gen, time_now)) self.write("", level=1) self.write("Population initialization", level=1)
[docs] def init_end(self, n): """Report on end of initialization of the first generation.""" self.write("Created {} individuals.".format(n), level=2)
[docs] def map_gen_phe(self): """Report on performing genotype-to-phenotype evaluation.""" self.write("Genotype-to-phenotype evaluation", level=1)
[docs] def map_phe_fit(self): """Report on performing phenotype-to-fitness evaluation.""" self.write("Phenotype-to-fitness evaluation", level=1)
[docs] def calc_phe(self, n, n_unique, n_cached, n_calc): """Report on genotype-to-phenotype evaluation results.""" message = ( "{} individuals with {} unique genotypes: " "{} found in cache, {} calculated.".format(n, n_unique, n_cached, n_calc) ) self.write(message, level=2)
[docs] def calc_fit(self, n, n_unique, n_cached, n_db, n_calc): """Report on phenotype-to-fitness evaluation results.""" message = ( "{} individuals with {} unique phenotypes: {} found in cache, " "{} found in db, {} calculated.".format(n, n_unique, n_cached, n_db, n_calc) ) self.write(message, level=2)
[docs] def select_par(self, gen, time, n, n_par): """Report on parent selection.""" # Generation self.write("", level=1) self.write("├ Generation {} ── {}".format(gen, time)) # Parent selection self.write("", level=1) self.write("Parent selection", level=1) self.write( "Selected {} individuals from a population of {}.".format(n_par, n), level=2 )
[docs] def select_sur(self, n_old, n_off, n_sel): """Report on survivor selection.""" self.write("Survivor selection", level=1) self.write( "Selected {} individuals from the old population of {} and the offspring " "population of {}.".format(n_sel, n_old, n_off), level=2, )
[docs] def cross_over(self, n_par, n_crs): """Report on variation by crossover.""" self.write("Crossover", level=1) self.write( "Created {} crossed-over individuals from {} parents.".format(n_crs, n_par), level=2, )
[docs] def mutate(self, n_crs, n_mut): """Report on variation by mutation.""" self.write("Mutation", level=1) self.write( "Created {} mutated individuals from {} individuals.".format(n_mut, n_crs), level=2, )
[docs] def gen_end(self, state): """Report on end of a generation.""" ind = state.best_individual self.write("Best individual:", level=1) self.write(" Genotype: {}".format(ind.genotype), level=1) self.write(" Phenotype: {}".format(ind.phenotype), level=1) self.write(" Fitness: {}".format(, level=1)
[docs] def run_end(self, time): """Report on end of a run.""" self.write("", level=1) self.write("╰─ Run finished ── {}".format(time))
[docs] def write(self, message, level=None): """Write a single message with context-sensitive formatting.""" if level is None: print(message) elif level <= 1: prefix = "│ {}".format(" " * (level - 1)) print("{}{}".format(prefix, message))