"""All custom exceptions used in the package."""
from ._utilities.operating_system import NEWLINE as _NEWLINE
__all__ = [
[docs]class GrammarError(Exception):
"""Raised when a grammar can not be read, written or is ill-formed.
- The set of nonterminal symbols, terminal symbols or production
rules is empty.
- A nonterminal symbol has no production rule where its right-hand
side is defined.
def raise_write_nonterminal_error(text):
message = (
"Nonterminal symbol N({}) contains text that does not allow to "
"write it with the available surrounding markers.".format(text)
raise GrammarError(message)
def raise_write_terminal_error(text):
message = (
"Terminal symbol T({}) contains text that does not allow to "
"write it with the available surrounding markers.".format(text)
raise GrammarError(message)
def raise_delimiting_symbol_error_1():
message = (
'Either "start_terminal_symbol" and "end_terminal_symbol", '
'or "start_terminal_symbol2" and "end_terminal_symbol2", or both need to '
"be nonempty strings in order to serve as indicators for terminal symbols."
raise GrammarError(message)
def raise_delimiting_symbol_error_2():
message = (
'Either "start_terminal_symbol" and "end_terminal_symbol", '
'or "start_terminal_symbol2" and "end_terminal_symbol2", or both need to '
"be nonempty strings in order to serve as indicators for terminal symbols."
raise GrammarError(message)
def raise_empty_productions_error():
message = "The set of production rules is empty."
raise GrammarError(message)
def raise_empty_nonterminals_error():
message = "The set of nonterminal symbols is empty."
raise GrammarError(message)
def raise_empty_terminals_error():
message = "The set of terminal symbols is empty."
raise GrammarError(message)
def raise_missing_nonterminals_error(missing_nonterminals):
reported_text = _NEWLINE.join(missing_nonterminals)
message = (
"Following nonterminals appeared on a right-hand side of a production rule "
"but on no left-hand side:{}{}".format(_NEWLINE, reported_text)
raise GrammarError(message)
def raise_delimiter_symbol_error_1():
message = (
'Please provide either both a nonempty "start_nonterminal_symbol" '
'and "end_nonterminal_symbol" or none of them.'
raise GrammarError(message)
def raise_surrounding_symbol_error_2():
message = (
'Please provide either both a nonempty "start_terminal_symbol" '
'and "end_terminal_symbol" or none of them.'
raise GrammarError(message)
def raise_surrounding_symbol_error_3():
message = (
'Please provide either both a nonempty "start_terminal_symbol2" '
'and "end_terminal_symbol2" or none of them.'
raise GrammarError(message)
def raise_surrounding_symbol_error_4():
message = (
'Either "start_nonterminal_symbol", '
'"start_terminal_symbol" or both need to be a nonempty string.'
raise GrammarError(message)
def raise_surrounding_symbol_error_5(listing):
message = (
'"start_nonterminal_symbol" and "end_nonterminal_symbol" may not have '
'an overlap with any of "start_terminal_symbol", "end_terminal_symbol", '
'"start_terminal_symbol2" and "end_terminal_symbol2". Following values '
"were found to cause a problem: {}".format(listing)
raise GrammarError(message)
[docs]class ParserError(Exception):
"""Raised when parsing a string with a grammar fails.
- The string contains characters that are not part of any terminal
- The string does not belong to the language of the given grammar.
- The chosen parser is not compatible with the given grammar.
def raise_lark_parser_mult_error():
message = (
'Getting multiple parse trees is currently only supported with parser="earley".'
raise ParserError(message)
def _raise_parser_creation_error(excp):
message = (
"Parsing failed during creation of the chosen parser. Perhaps it is not "
"compatible with the form of the provided grammar.{nl}{nl}"
'Lark raised the exception "{name}" with following message: '
"{text}".format(nl=_NEWLINE, name=type(excp).__name__, text=excp)
raise ParserError(message) from None
def _raise_parser_string_error(excp):
message = (
"Parsing failed during analyzing the string.{nl}{nl}"
'Lark raised the exception "{name}" with following message: '
"{text}".format(nl=_NEWLINE, name=type(excp).__name__, text=excp)
raise ParserError(message) from None
def _raise_parser_node_error(node_label):
message = (
"Discovered an unexpected symbol in the Lark tree that contains "
'all of the discovered parse trees: "{}"'.format(node_label)
raise ParserError(message) from None
[docs]class ParameterError(Exception):
"""Raised when a parameter or collection of parameters is invalid.
- An unknown parameter is provided or requested by a user.
- All variation operators of an evolutionary algorithm are turned
- All stop criteria of a search algorithm are inactive.
def raise_unknown_parameter_error(parameter_name, default_parameters):
message = (
"An unknown parameter was attempted to be used: {val}"
val=repr(parameter_name), nl=_NEWLINE, defv=default_parameters
raise ParameterError(message) from None
def raise_initial_parameter_error(name):
message = (
"Got an invalid parameter name, which is reserved as "
"method name: {}".format(repr(name))
raise ParameterError(message) from None
def raise_stop_parameter_error():
message = (
"No stop criterion was set, therefore a search would continue to run indefinitely. "
"Please provide a value for one or more of the following parameters: "
"max_generations, max_fitness_evaluations, max_runtime_in_seconds, max_or_min_fitness"
raise ParameterError(message) from None
def raise_missing_variation_error():
message = (
"Neither crossover nor mutation are activated. This means "
"there is no variation, no new candidate solutions are generated"
" and the optimization can not progress towards better "
"objective function values."
raise ParameterError(message) from None
def raise_operator_lookup_error(description, name, location):
available = ", ".join(
name for name in dir(location) if not name.startswith("_")
except Exception:
available = "None"
message = (
"{desc} operator is not known to the chosen algorithm in its current configuration. "
"{nl}Given operator name: {name}"
"{nl}Available operator names: {av}"
"{nl}Lookup location: {loc}".format(
raise ParameterError(message) from None
def raise_no_genotype_error():
message = (
"No genotype was provided in the parameters dictionary "
'under the key "init_genotype".'
raise ValueError(message)
def raise_no_phenotype_error():
message = (
"No phenotype was provided in the parameters dictionary "
'under the key "init_phenotype".'
raise ValueError(message)
def raise_no_derivation_tree_error():
message = (
"No derivation tree was provided in the parameters dictionary "
'under the key "init_derivation_tree".'
raise ValueError(message)
def raise_no_genotypes_error():
message = (
"No genotypes were provided in the parameters dictionary "
'under the key "init_genotypes".'
raise ValueError(message)
def raise_no_phenotypes_error():
message = (
"No phenotypes were provided in the parameters dictionary "
'under the key "init_phenotypes".'
raise ValueError(message)
def raise_no_derivation_trees_error():
message = (
"No derivation trees were provided in the parameters dictionary "
'under the key "init_derivation_trees".'
raise ValueError(message)
[docs]class GenotypeError(Exception):
"""Raised when a genotype is not well-formed or modified.
- The genotype can not be interpreted as a list of integers for
Grammatical Evolution (GE).
- The genotype can not be interpreted as a derivation tree for
Context-Free Grammar Genetic Programming (CFGGP).
- A user tries to modify the immutable genotype attribute of an
def raise_data_write_error():
message = (
'The attribute "data" is immutable. It can only be assigned during '
"object creation. Afterwards it is used to identify a genotype, "
"e.g. when it is added to a set or used as a key in a dictionary, "
"and therefore it may not be modified."
raise GenotypeError(message) from None
def raise_cfggp_genotype_error(data):
message = (
"The given data could not be interpreted as a CFG-GP genotype. "
"It needs to be a derivation tree or a serialized derivation tree. "
"Given data: {}".format(repr(data))
raise GenotypeError(message) from None
def raise_cfggpst_genotype_error(data):
message = (
"The given data could not be interpreted as a CFG-GP-ST genotype. "
"It needs to be a serialized derivation tree in form of "
"two tuples of integers. "
"Given data: {}".format(repr(data))
raise GenotypeError(message) from None
def raise_dsge_genotype_error(data):
message = (
"The given data could not be interpreted as a DSGE genotype. "
"It needs to be a non-empty tuple of tuples of integers. "
"Given data: {}".format(repr(data))
raise GenotypeError(message) from None
def raise_dsge_genotype_repair_error(max_expansions):
message = (
"The provided DSGE genotype could not be repaired, because the number of "
"expansions reached the max_expansions limit: {}".format(max_expansions)
raise GenotypeError(message) from None
def raise_ge_genotype_error(data):
message = (
"The given data could not be interpreted as a GE genotype. "
"It needs to be a non-empty tuple of integers. "
"Given data: {}".format(repr(data))
raise GenotypeError(message) from None
def raise_pige_genotype_error(data):
message = (
"The given data could not be interpreted as a piGE genotype. "
"It needs to be a non-empty tuple of integers. "
"Given data: {}".format(repr(data))
raise GenotypeError(message) from None
def raise_whge_genotype_error(data):
message = (
"The given data could not be interpreted as a WHGE genotype. "
"It needs to be a non-empty bitarray. "
"Given data: {}".format(repr(data))
raise GenotypeError(message) from None
[docs]class InitializationError(Exception):
"""Raised when intitialization of an individual or population fails.
- A user-provided genotype is not well-formed.
- A user-provided phenotype can not be parsed and reverse mapped to
a genotype.
def raise_init_ind_from_gt_error(genotype):
message = (
"Initialization of an individual from following given genotype "
"failed: {}".format(repr(genotype))
raise InitializationError(message) from None
def raise_init_ind_from_dt_error(derivation_tree):
message = (
"Initialization of an individual from following given derivaton tree "
"failed: {}".format(repr(derivation_tree))
raise InitializationError(message) from None
def raise_init_ind_from_phe_error(phenotype):
message = (
"Initialization of an individual from following given phenotype "
"failed: {}".format(repr(phenotype))
raise InitializationError(message) from None
def raise_init_ind_rand_gt_error():
message = "Initialization of an individual from a random genotype failed."
raise InitializationError(message) from None
def raise_init_ind_valid_rand_gt_error(max_tries):
message = (
"Initialization of a valid individual from a random genotype failed "
"after {} tries.".format(max_tries)
raise InitializationError(message) from None
def raise_init_ind_grow_error():
message = 'Initialization of an individual with the "grow" method failed.'
raise InitializationError(message) from None
def raise_init_ind_full_error():
message = 'Initialization of an individual with the "full" method failed.'
raise InitializationError(message) from None
def raise_init_ind_pi_grow_error():
message = 'Initialization of an individual with the "pi grow" method failed.'
raise InitializationError(message) from None
def raise_init_ind_ptc2_error():
message = 'Initialization of an individual with the "PTC2" method failed.'
raise InitializationError(message) from None
def raise_init_pop_from_gt_error():
message = "Initialization of a population from given genotypes failed."
raise InitializationError(message)
def raise_init_pop_from_dt_error():
message = "Initialization of a population from given derivation trees failed."
raise InitializationError(message)
def raise_init_pop_from_phe_error():
message = "Initialization of a population from given phenotypes failed."
raise InitializationError(message)
def raise_init_pop_rand_gt_error():
message = "Initialization of a population from random genotypes failed."
raise InitializationError(message)
def raise_init_pop_gp_rhh_error():
message = 'Initialization of a population with gp_rhh (="ramped half and half" from Genetic Programming) failed.'
raise InitializationError(message)
def raise_init_pop_pi_rhh_error():
message = 'Initialization of a population with pi_rhh (="ramped half and half" with PI Grow from piGE) failed.'
raise InitializationError(message)
def raise_init_pop_ptc2_error():
message = "Initialization of a population with PTC2 (=probabilistic tree creation 2) failed."
raise InitializationError(message)
def raise_init_pop_unique_gen_error(
num_found_genotypes, num_wanted_genotypes, num_tries
message = "Found only {} of {} unique genotypes after {} tries.".format(
num_found_genotypes, num_wanted_genotypes, num_tries
raise InitializationError(message)
def raise_init_pop_unique_phe_error(
num_found_phenotypes, num_wanted_phenotypes, num_tries
message = "Found only {} of {} unique phenotypes after {} tries.".format(
num_found_phenotypes, num_wanted_phenotypes, num_tries
raise InitializationError(message)
def raise_pop_assignment_error(value):
message = (
"Only an individual can be assigned to a population. Got an object of "
"type {} instead.".format(type(value))
# TypeError is required here by Python
raise TypeError(message)
[docs]class OperatorError(Exception):
"""Raised when a search operator fails.
- A crossover operator that requires two parent genotypes of equal
length fails because it gets two individuals with different
genotype lengths as input.
def raise_crossover_lp_error1(l1, l2):
message = (
"The crossover operator is length preserving and requires that both "
"parent genotypes have equal length. Instead they had following two "
"different lengths: {}, {}".format(l1, l2)
raise OperatorError(message)
def raise_crossover_lp_error2():
message = (
"The crossover operator requires that each parent has a minimal "
"genotype length of 2. This was not the case."
raise OperatorError(message)
[docs]class MappingError(Exception):
"""Raised when a genotype-to-phenotype mapping or its inverse fails.
- Forward mapping: No string of terminals could be found within the
allowed number of expansions or wrappings.
- Reverse mapping: The provided grammar contains no production rule
that would match a production found in a given derivation tree.
def raise_max_expansion_error(max_expansions):
message = (
"No string of the grammar's language was found before reaching the provided "
"maximum number of expansions: {}".format(max_expansions)
raise MappingError(message)
def raise_max_wraps_error(max_wraps):
message = (
"No string of the grammar's language was found before reaching the provided "
"maximum number of wraps: {}".format(max_wraps)
raise MappingError(message)
def raise_missing_nt_error(nonterminal_node):
nt_text = "<{}>".format(nonterminal_node.symbol)
message = (
"For a nonterminal, no production rule could be found in the "
"grammar: {}".format(nt_text)
raise MappingError(message) from None
def raise_missing_rhs_error(nonterminal_node, rhs):
message = (
"For a derivation step in the tree, no corresponding production rule "
"could be found in the grammar: <{}> -> {}".format(nonterminal_node, rhs)
raise MappingError(message) from None
def raise_invalid_mapping_data1(data):
message = (
"Reverse mapping got invalid input data. "
"The given phenotype is a string that is not a "
"member of the grammar's language: {}".format(repr(data))
raise MappingError(message)
def raise_invalid_mapping_data2(data):
message = (
"Reverse mapping got invalid input data. It is neither a phenotype "
"nor derivation tree: {}".format(data)
raise MappingError(message)
def raise_limited_codon_size_error(chosen_rule_idx, max_int):
message = (
"Reverse mapping could not encode a choice within the given codon size limit. "
"The index of the chosen rule is {}, but the maximum integer that can be "
"encoded is {}.".format(chosen_rule_idx, max_int)
raise MappingError(message)
def raise_dsge_mapping_error1(genotype, symbols):
message = (
"The provided DSGE genotype is invalid, because the length of the "
"genotype ({}) does not fit to the number of "
"nonterminal symbols ({}).".format(len(genotype), len(symbols))
raise MappingError(message) from None
def raise_dsge_mapping_error2(gene_index, symbol):
message = (
"The provided DSGE genotype is invalid, because gene number {} (which corresponds to "
"nonterminal symbol <{}>) does not contain enough integers to complete the "
"mapping.".format(gene_index, symbol)
raise MappingError(message) from None
def raise_dsge_mapping_error3(gene_index, symbol, rules, chosen_rule_idx):
message = (
"The provided DSGE genotype is invalid, because gene number {} (which corresponds to "
"nonterminal symbol <{}>) contains the integer {} that can not be used to select "
"a production out of {} available "
"ones.".format(gene_index, symbol, chosen_rule_idx, len(rules))
raise MappingError(message) from None
[docs]class DatabaseError(Exception):
"""Raised when storing or retrieving data from a database fails.
- The provided filepath does not point to a valid file-based
- There is no database entry that matches to a user-provided value.
def raise_generation_range_error():
message = (
'The argument "generation_range" could not be interpreted as two integers.'
raise ValueError(message)
def raise_ind_max_id_error():
message = (
"The maximum individual id returned by the database is NaN. "
"This could mean that there are no entries in the database yet."
raise DatabaseError(message)
def raise_pop_size_min_error():
message = (
"The minimum population size returned by the database is NaN. "
"This could mean that there are no entries in the database yet."
raise DatabaseError(message)
def raise_pop_size_max_error():
message = (
"The maximum population size returned by the database is NaN. "
"This could mean that there are no entries in the database yet."
raise DatabaseError(message)
def raise_generation_first_error():
message = (
"The first generation returned by the database is NaN. "
"This could mean that there are no entries in the database yet."
raise DatabaseError(message)
def raise_generation_last_error():
message = (
"The last generation returned by the database is NaN. "
"This could mean that there are no entries in the database yet."
raise DatabaseError(message)
def raise_fitness_min_error():
message = (
"The minimum fitness returned by the database is NaN. "
"This could mean that there are no entries in the database yet."
raise DatabaseError(message)
def raise_fitness_max_error():
message = (
"The maximum fitness returned by the database is NaN. "
"This could mean that there are no entries in the database yet."
raise DatabaseError(message)
def raise_fitness_min_n_error():
message = (
"The minimum fitness after n evaluations returned by the database is NaN. "
"This could mean that there are no entries in the database yet."
raise DatabaseError(message)
def raise_fitness_max_n_error():
message = (
"The maximum fitness after n evaluations returned by the database is NaN. "
"This could mean that there are no entries in the database yet."
raise DatabaseError(message)
def raise_no_database_export_error():
message = (
"There is no data to export. "
'The parameter "database_on" needs to be set to "True" in order '
"for a database to be created and filled with data "
"by the evolutionary search."
raise DatabaseError(message) from None
def raise_reset_database_error(filepath, n_tries):
message = (
"Tried to rename the database file located at {} during search reset. "
"Could not find a new filepath after {} tries.".format(repr(filepath), n_tries)
raise DatabaseError(message) from None
def raise_import_database_error(filepath):
message = (
"Could not load the database from filepath {} because it is "
"not a file.".format(repr(filepath))
raise DatabaseError(message) from None
def raise_load_population_error(generation):
message = (
"Attempted to load generation {} from the database but could not find any "
"entries for it. This population seems not to be stored in the "
raise DatabaseError(message) from None
def raise_individual_clash_error():
message = (
"Failed to load an individual from the old database. There is "
"another individual with the same id in the current database."
raise DatabaseError(message) from None
def raise_serialization_error(string):
message = (
"Could not serialize the given string. "
"It can not be enclosed in any quotes, since it contains "
"all available variants: {}".format(string)
raise DatabaseError(message) from None