"""Neighborhood functions to generate nearby genotypes for GE."""
from ... import _grammar
from ..._utilities.parametrization import get_given_or_default as _get_given_or_default
from .. import _shared
from . import default_parameters as _default_parameters
from . import representation as _representation
_NT = _grammar.data_structures.NonterminalSymbol
_T = _grammar.data_structures.TerminalSymbol
[docs]def int_replacement(grammar, genotype, parameters=None):
"""Systematically change a chosen number of int codons.
grammar : `~alogos.Grammar`
genotype : `~.representation.Genotype`
parameters : `dict` or `~alogos._utilities.parametrization.ParameterCollection`, optional
Following keyword-value pairs are considered by this function:
- ``neighborhood_distance`` (`int`) : The distance from the
original genotype to a new genotype in terms of replaced
int codons.
- ``neighborhood_max_size`` (`int`) : Maximum number of
neighbor genotypes to generate.
- ``neighborhood_only_terminals`` (`bool`) : If `True`, only
replace codons that represent terminals.
- ``max_expansions`` (`bool`) : Maximum number of nonterminal
expansions used in a derivation.
- ``max_wraps`` (`bool`) : Maximum number of wraps of the
genotype that can be used in a derivation.
neighbors : `list` of `~.representation.Genotype` objects
# Parameter extraction
distance = _get_given_or_default(
"neighborhood_distance", parameters, _default_parameters
max_size = _get_given_or_default(
"neighborhood_max_size", parameters, _default_parameters
only_t = _get_given_or_default(
"neighborhood_only_terminals", parameters, _default_parameters
max_expansions = _get_given_or_default(
"max_expansions", parameters, _default_parameters
max_wraps = _get_given_or_default("max_wraps", parameters, _default_parameters)
# Argument processing
if not isinstance(genotype, _representation.Genotype):
genotype = _representation.Genotype(genotype)
# Get alternative choices per position by going through a forward mapping
choices = _get_choices_per_position(
grammar, genotype.data, max_expansions, max_wraps, only_t
num_choices_per_pos = [len(x) for x in choices]
# Generate combinations of choices
combinations = _shared.neighborhood.generate_combinations(
num_choices_per_pos, distance, max_size
# Construct neighborhood genotypes from combinations
nbrs = []
n = len(genotype)
gt_unrolled = [genotype.data[i % n] for i in range(len(choices))]
for comb in combinations:
# Semantics of comb: 0 means no change, >0 points to a certain alternative choice
data = [
choices[i][val - 1] if val > 0 else gt_unrolled[i]
for i, val in enumerate(comb)
return nbrs
def _get_choices_per_position(
grammar, codons, max_expansions, max_wraps, only_terminals
"""Determine alternative choices for each position in the genotype."""
dt = _grammar.data_structures.DerivationTree(grammar)
stack = [dt.root_node]
num_codons = len(codons)
codon_counter = 0
expansion_counter = 0
choices = []
while stack:
# Check stop conditions
if max_wraps is not None and codon_counter // num_codons > max_wraps:
if max_expansions is not None and expansion_counter >= max_expansions:
# 1) Choose nonterminal: GE uses the leftmost, unexpanded nonterminal
chosen_nt_idx = 0
chosen_nt_node = stack.pop(chosen_nt_idx)
# 2) Choose rule: GE decides by the next "codon" in the genotype
rules = grammar.production_rules[chosen_nt_node.symbol]
num_rules = len(rules)
if num_rules == 1:
chosen_rule_idx = 0
content_codon = codons[codon_counter % num_codons]
codon_counter += 1
chosen_rule_idx = content_codon % num_rules
chosen_rule = rules[chosen_rule_idx]
# 3) Expand the chosen nonterminal (1) with the rhs of the chosen rule (2)
new_nodes = dt._expand(chosen_nt_node, chosen_rule)
expansion_counter += 1
# 4) Add new nodes that contain a nonterminal to the stack
new_nt_nodes = [node for node in new_nodes if isinstance(node.symbol, _NT)]
stack = new_nt_nodes + stack
# Remember alternative choices for the current production rule
if num_rules > 1:
if only_terminals:
other_rule_indices = [
for idx, rule in enumerate(rules)
if idx != chosen_rule_idx
and any(isinstance(sym, _T) for sym in rule)
other_rule_indices = [
idx for idx in range(num_rules) if idx != chosen_rule_idx
return choices