Deterministic finite state machines¶
This Jupyter notebook provides an example of using the Python package gravis. The .ipynb file can be found here.
It provides a simple implementation of a finite state machine and visualizes its formal structure as network plot: States are represented as nodes, state transitions as edges, and symbols (read from the input string during a transition) as edge labels.
Wikipedia: Deterministic finite automaton
import gravis as gv
Defining a DFA class¶
class DeterministicFiniteAutomaton:
"""A simple data structure for a deterministic finite automaton (DFA)"""
def __init__(self, states, alphabet, transitions, start_state, accepting_states):
self.states = states
self.alphabet = alphabet
self.transitions = transitions
self.start_state = start_state
self.accepting_states = accepting_states
def accepts(self, string):
current_state = self.start_state
for symbol in string:
if symbol not in self.alphabet:
raise ValueError('String contains invalid symbol: '.format(symbol))
current_state = self.transitions[current_state][symbol]
if current_state in self.accepting_states:
return True
return False
def plot_structure(self):
# States as nodes
nodes = {}
hidden_start_node = {'label': '', 'metadata': {'size': '0'}}
nodes['__start'] = hidden_start_node
for state in self.states:
if state in self.accepting_states:
nodes[state] = {'label': state, 'metadata': {'border_size': 2, 'border_color': 'black'}}
nodes[state] = {'label': state}
# State transitions as edges
hidden_start_edge = {'source': '__start', 'target': self.start_state, 'label': ''}
edges = [hidden_start_edge]
for source, values in self.transitions.items():
for label, target in values.items():
edges.append({'source': source, 'target': target, 'label': label})
# Graph definition in gJGF format
data_gjgf = {
'graph': {
'directed': True,
'metadata': {
'node_size': 20,
'node_color': 'green',
'node_label_color': 'green',
'edge_label_size': 10,
'edge_label_color': 'blue'},
'nodes': nodes,
'edges': edges,
# Plotting
fig = gv.d3(
data_gjgf, node_label_data_source='label', edge_label_data_source='label',
show_edge_label=True, edge_curvature=0.2, zoom_factor=1.8, links_force_distance=90)
return fig
Creating a DFA instance¶
m1 = DeterministicFiniteAutomaton(
states={'q0', 'q1', 'q2', 'q3'},
alphabet={'0', '1'},
'q0': {'0': 'q0', '1': 'q1'},
'q1': {'0': 'q0', '1': 'q2'},
'q2': {'0': 'q0', '1': 'q3'},
'q3': {'0': 'q0', '1': 'q3'}
Recognizing strings¶
Use the DFA to test whether certain strings are accepted, i.e. whether they are part of the formal language defined by the DFA.
strings = [
for s in strings:
if m1.accepts(s):
print('"{}" was recognized.'.format(s))
print('"{}" was NOT recognized.'.format(s))
"111" was recognized.
"010111" was recognized.
"101" was NOT recognized.
"101110" was NOT recognized.
Plotting its structure¶
Details for selected element