Source code for mevis._internal.conversion

from import Callable as _Callable

import networkx as _nx
from opencog.type_constructors import AtomSpace as _AtomSpace

from .args import check_arg as _check_arg

[docs]def convert(data, graph_annotated=True, graph_directed=True, node_label=None, node_color=None, node_opacity=None, node_size=None, node_shape=None, node_border_color=None, node_border_size=None, node_label_color=None, node_label_size=None, node_hover=None, node_click=None, node_image=None, node_properties=None, edge_label=None, edge_color=None, edge_opacity=None, edge_size=None, edge_label_color=None, edge_label_size=None, edge_hover=None, edge_click=None): """Convert an Atomspace or list of Atoms to a NetworkX graph with annotations. Several arguments accept a Callable. - In case of node annotations, the Callable gets an Atom as input, which the node represents in the graph. The Callable needs to return one of the other types accepted by the argument, e.g. ``str`` or ``int``/``float``. - In case of edge annotations, the Callable gets two Atoms as input, which the edge connects in the graph. The Callable needs to return one of the other types accepted by the argument, e.g. ``str`` or ``int``/``float``. Several arguments accept a color, which can be in following formats: - Name: ``"black"``, ``"red"``, ``"green"``, ... - Color code - 6 digit hex RGB code: ``"#05ac05"`` - 3 digit hex RGB code: ``"#0a0"`` (equivalent to ``"#00aa00"``) Parameters ---------- data : Atomspace, list of Atoms Input that gets converted to a graph. graph_annotated : bool If ``False``, no annotations are added to the graph. This could be used for converting large AtomSpaces quickly to graphs that use less RAM and can be exported to smaller files (e.g. also compressed as gml.gz) for inspection with other tools. graph_directed : bool If ``True``, a NetworkX DiGraph is created. If ``False``, a NetworkX Graph is created. node_label : str, Callable Set a label for each node, which is shown as text below it. node_color : str, Callable Set a color for each node, which becomes the fill color of its shape. node_opacity : float between 0.0 and 1.0 Set an opacity for each node, which becomes the opacity of its shape. Caution: This is only supported by d3. node_size : int, float, Callable Set a size for each node, which becomes the height and width of its shape. node_shape : str, Callable Set a shape for each node, which is some geometrical form that has the node coordinates in its center. Possible values: ``"circle"``, ``"rectangle"``, ``"hexagon"`` node_border_color : str, Callable Set a border color for each node, which influences the border drawn around its shape. node_border_size : int, float, Callable Set a border size for each node, which influences the border drawn around its shape. node_label_color : str, Callable Set a label color for each node, which determines the font color of the text below the node. node_label_size : int, float, Callable Set a label size for each node, which determines the font size of the text below the node. node_hover : str, Callable Set a hover text for each node, which shows up besides the mouse cursor when hovering over a node. node_click : str, Callable Set a click text for each node, which shows up in a div element below the plot when clicking on a node and can easily be copied and pasted. node_image : str, Callable Set an image for each node, which appears within its shape. Possible values: - URL pointing to an image - Data URL encoding the image node_properties : str, dict, Callable Set additional properties for each node, which may not immediately be translated into a visual element, but can be chosen in the data selection menu in the interactive HTML visualizations to map them on some plot element. These properties also appear when exporting a graph to a file in a format such as GML and may be recognized by external visualization tools. Note that a Callable needs to return a dict in this case, and each key becomes a property, which is equivalent to the other properties such as node_size and node_color. Special cases: - ``node_properties="tv"`` is a shortcut for using a function that returns ``{"mean":, "confidence":}`` - Keys ``"x"``, ``"y"`` and ``"z"`` properties are translated into node coordinates. Examples: - ``dict(x=0.0)``: This fixes the x coordinate of each node to 0.0, so that the JavaScript layout algorithm does not influence it, but the nodes remain free to move in the y and z directions. - ``lambda atom: dict(x=2.0) if atom.is_node() else None``: This fixes the x coordinate of each Atom of type Node to 2.0 but allows each Atom of type Link to move freely. - ``lambda atom: dict(y=-len(atom.out)*100) if atom.is_link() else dict(y=0)`` This fixes the y coordinates of Atoms at different heights. Atoms of type Node are put at the bottom and Atoms of type Link are ordered by the number of their outgoing edges. The results is a hierarchical visualization that has some similarity with the "dot" layout. - ``lambda atom: dict(x=-100) if atom.is_node() else dict(x=100)``: This fixes the x coordinate of Node Atoms at -100 and of Link Atoms at 100. The results is a visualization with two lines of nodes that has some similarity with the "bipartite" layout. edge_label : str, Callable Set a label for each edge, which becomes the text plotted in the middle of the edge. edge_color : str, Callable Set a color for each edge, which becomes the color of the line representing the edge. edge_opacity : int, float, Callable Set an opacity for each edge, which allows to make it transparent to some degree. edge_size : int, float, Callable Set a size for each edge, which becomes the width of the line representing the edge. edge_label_color : str, Callable Set a color for each edge label, which becomes the color of the text in the midpoint of the edge. edge_label_size : int, float, Callable Set a size for each edge label, which becomes the size of the text in the midpoint of the edge. edge_hover : str, Callable edge_click : str, Callable Returns ------- graph : NetworkX Graph or DiGraph Whether an undirected or directed graph is created depends on the argument "directed". """ # Argument processing _check_arg(data, 'data', (list, _AtomSpace)) _check_arg(graph_annotated, 'graph_annotated', bool) _check_arg(graph_directed, 'graph_directed', bool) _check_arg(node_label, 'node_label', (str, _Callable), allow_none=True) _check_arg(node_color, 'node_color', (str, _Callable), allow_none=True) _check_arg(node_opacity, 'node_opacity', (int, float, _Callable), allow_none=True) _check_arg(node_size, 'node_size', (int, float, _Callable), allow_none=True) _check_arg(node_shape, 'node_shape', (str, _Callable), allow_none=True) _check_arg(node_border_color, 'node_border_color', (str, _Callable), allow_none=True) _check_arg(node_border_size, 'node_border_size', (int, float, _Callable), allow_none=True) _check_arg(node_label_color, 'node_label_color', (str, _Callable), allow_none=True) _check_arg(node_label_size, 'node_label_size', (int, float, _Callable), allow_none=True) _check_arg(node_hover, 'node_hover', (str, _Callable), allow_none=True) _check_arg(node_click, 'node_click', (str, _Callable), allow_none=True) _check_arg(node_image, 'node_image', (str, _Callable), allow_none=True) _check_arg(node_properties, 'node_properties', (str, dict, _Callable), allow_none=True) _check_arg(edge_label, 'edge_label', (str, _Callable), allow_none=True) _check_arg(edge_color, 'edge_color', (str, _Callable), allow_none=True) _check_arg(edge_opacity, 'edge_opacity', (int, float, _Callable), allow_none=True) _check_arg(edge_size, 'edge_size', (int, float, _Callable), allow_none=True) _check_arg(edge_label_color, 'edge_label_color', (str, _Callable), allow_none=True) _check_arg(edge_label_size, 'edge_label_size', (int, float, _Callable), allow_none=True) _check_arg(edge_hover, 'edge_hover', (str, _Callable), allow_none=True) _check_arg(edge_click, 'edge_click', (str, _Callable), allow_none=True) # Prepare annoation functions if graph_annotated: node_ann = prepare_node_func( node_label, node_color, node_opacity, node_size, node_shape, node_border_color, node_border_size, node_label_color, node_label_size, node_hover, node_click, node_image, node_properties) edge_ann = prepare_edge_func( edge_label, edge_color, edge_opacity, edge_size, edge_label_color, edge_label_size, edge_hover, edge_click) else: empty = dict() def node_ann(atom): return empty def edge_ann(atom1, atom2): return empty # Create the NetworkX graph graph = _nx.DiGraph() if graph_directed else _nx.Graph() # 0) Set graph annotations graph.graph['node_click'] = '$hover' # node_click will by default show content of node_hover # 1) Add vertices and their annotations for atom in data: graph.add_node(to_uid(atom), **node_ann(atom)) # 2) Add edges and their annotations (separate step to exclude edges to filtered vertices) for atom in data: uid = to_uid(atom) if atom.is_link(): # for all that is incoming to the Atom for atom2 in atom.incoming: uid2 = to_uid(atom2) if uid2 in graph.nodes: graph.add_edge(uid2, uid, **edge_ann(atom2, atom)) # for all that is outgoing of the Atom for atom2 in atom.out: uid2 = to_uid(atom2) if uid2 in graph.nodes: graph.add_edge(uid, uid2, **edge_ann(atom, atom2)) return graph
def prepare_node_func(node_label, node_color, node_opacity, node_size, node_shape, node_border_color, node_border_size, node_label_color, node_label_size, node_hover, node_click, node_image, node_properties): """Prepare a function that calculates all annoations for a node representing an Atom.""" # individual node annotation functions node_label = use_node_def_or_str(node_label, node_label_default) node_color = use_node_def_or_str(node_color, node_color_default) node_opacity = use_node_def_or_num(node_opacity, node_opacity_default) node_size = use_node_def_or_num(node_size, node_size_default) node_shape = use_node_def_or_str(node_shape, node_shape_default) node_border_color = use_node_def_or_str(node_border_color, node_border_color_default) node_border_size = use_node_def_or_num(node_border_size, node_border_size_default) node_label_color = use_node_def_or_str(node_label_color, node_label_color_default) node_label_size = use_node_def_or_num(node_label_size, node_label_size_default) node_hover = use_node_def_or_str(node_hover, node_hover_default) node_click = use_node_def_or_str(node_click, node_click_default) node_image = use_node_def_or_str(node_image, node_image_default) # special case: additional user-defined node properties by a function that returns a dict if node_properties is None: node_properties = node_properties_default elif isinstance(node_properties, dict): val = node_properties def node_properties(atom): return val elif node_properties == 'tv': node_properties = node_properties_tv # combined node annotation function: calls each of the individual ones name_func = ( ('label', node_label), ('color', node_color), ('opacity', node_opacity), ('size', node_size), ('shape', node_shape), ('border_color', node_border_color), ('border_size', node_border_size), ('label_color', node_label_color), ('label_size', node_label_size), ('hover', node_hover), ('click', node_click), ('image', node_image), ) def func(atom): data = {} for n, f in name_func: val = f(atom) if val is not None: data[n] = val try: data.update(node_properties(atom)) except Exception: pass return data return func def prepare_edge_func(edge_label, edge_color, edge_opacity, edge_size, edge_label_color, edge_label_size, edge_hover, edge_click): """Prepare a function that calculates all annoations for an edge between Atoms.""" # individual edge annotation functions edge_label = use_edge_def_or_str(edge_label, edge_label_default) edge_color = use_edge_def_or_str(edge_color, edge_color_default) edge_opacity = use_edge_def_or_num(edge_opacity, edge_opacity_default) edge_size = use_edge_def_or_num(edge_size, edge_size_default) edge_label_color = use_edge_def_or_str(edge_label_color, edge_label_color_default) edge_label_size = use_edge_def_or_num(edge_label_size, edge_label_size_default) edge_hover = use_edge_def_or_str(edge_hover, edge_hover_default) edge_click = use_edge_def_or_str(edge_click, edge_click_default) # combined edge annotation function: calls each of the individual ones name_func = ( ('label', edge_label), ('color', edge_color), ('opacity', edge_opacity), ('size', edge_size), ('label_color', edge_label_color), ('label_size', edge_label_size), ('hover', edge_hover), ('click', edge_click), ) def func(atom1, atom2): data = {} for n, f in name_func: val = f(atom1, atom2) if val is not None: data[n] = val return data return func def use_node_def_or_str(given_value, default_func): """Transform a value of type (None, str, Callable) to a node annotation function.""" # Default: use pre-defined function from this module if given_value is None: func = default_func # Transform: value to function that returns the value elif isinstance(given_value, str): given_value = str(given_value) def func(atom): return given_value # Passthrough: value itself is a function else: func = given_value return func def use_node_def_or_num(given_value, default_func): """Transform a value of type (None, int, float, Callable) to a node annotation function.""" # Default: use pre-defined function from this module if given_value is None: func = default_func # Transform: value to function that returns the value elif isinstance(given_value, (int, float)): given_value = float(given_value) def func(atom): return given_value # Passthrough: value itself is a function else: func = given_value return func def use_edge_def_or_str(given_value, default_func): """Transform a value of type (None, str, Callable) to an edge annotation function.""" # Default: use pre-defined function from this module if given_value is None: func = default_func # Transform: value to function that returns the value elif isinstance(given_value, str): given_value = str(given_value) def func(atom1, atom2): return given_value # Passthrough: value itself is a function else: func = given_value return func def use_edge_def_or_num(given_value, default_func): """Transform a value of type (None, int, float, Callable) to an edge annotation function.""" # Default: use pre-defined function from this module if given_value is None: func = default_func # Transform: value to function that returns the value elif isinstance(given_value, (int, float)): given_value = float(given_value) def func(atom1, atom2): return given_value # Passthrough: value itself is a function else: func = given_value return func def to_uid(atom): """Return a unique identifier for an Atom.""" return atom.id_string() # Default functions for node annotations # - "return None" means that the attribute and value won't be included # to the output data, so that defaults of the JS library are used and files get smaller # - A return of a value in some cases and None in other cases means that the # default value of the JS library is used in None cases and again files get smaller def node_label_default(atom): # None => no node labels return '{} "{}"'.format(atom.type_name, if atom.is_node() else atom.type_name def node_color_default(atom): # None => black return 'red' if atom.is_node() else None def node_opacity_default(atom): # None => 1.0 return None def node_size_default(atom): # None => 10 return None def node_shape_default(atom): # None => circle return 'rectangle' if atom.is_node() else None def node_border_color_default(atom): # None => black return None def node_border_size_default(atom): # None => 0.0 return None def node_label_color_default(atom): # None => black return None def node_label_size_default(atom): # None => 12.0 return None def node_hover_default(atom): # None => no hover text return atom.short_string() def node_click_default(atom): # None => no click text (in addition to always shown "Node: <id>" in header) return None def node_image_default(atom): # None => no image inside node return None def node_properties_default(atom): # None => no extra node annotations return None def node_properties_tv(atom): return dict(, # Default functions for edge annotations def edge_label_default(atom1, atom2): # None => no edge label return None def edge_color_default(atom1, atom2): # None => black return None if atom1.is_link() and atom2.is_link() else 'red' def edge_opacity_default(atom1, atom2): # None => 1.0 return None def edge_size_default(atom1, atom2): # None => 1.0 return None def edge_label_color_default(atom1, atom2): # None => black return None def edge_label_size_default(atom1, atom2): # None => 8.0 return None def edge_hover_default(atom1, atom2): # None => no hover text return None def edge_click_default(atom1, atom2): # None => no click text (in addition to always shown "Edge: <id>" in header) return None