from import Callable as _Callable
from opencog.atomspace import Atom as _Atom
from opencog.type_constructors import AtomSpace as _AtomSpace
from .args import check_arg as _check_arg
FILTER_CONTEXTS = ['atom', 'in', 'out', 'both', 'in-tree', 'out-tree']
[docs]def filter(data, target, context='atom', mode='include'):
"""Apply a filter to an Atomspace or list of Atoms and return a list of selected Atoms.
data : Atomspace, list of Atoms
The given Atomspace or list of Atoms that is filtered and thereby reduced to a
shorter list of Atoms.
target : str, int, Atom, list, Callable
The targets that are selected by this filtering function.
Possible types and their meaning:
- ``str``: A string that is matched against ``.name`` and ``.type_name`` of each Atom.
Capitalization is ignored.
- ``target="andlink"`` will include all Atoms of type ``AndLink``.
- ``target="$1"`` will include all Atoms with name ``"$1"``.
- ``int``: An OpenCog Atom type that is matched against ``.type`` of each Atom.
- ``target=opencog.atomspace.types.OrLink`` selects all Atoms of type ``OrLink``.
- ``Atom``: An Atom that is used as it is.
- ``target=list(atomspace)[4]`` selects the fifth Atom in the AtomSpace.
- ``list``: A list of str, int and/or Atom. The types can be mixed freely.
- ``target=["andlink", "OrLink"]`` selects all Atoms of type ``AndLink`` and ``OrLink``.
- ``target=["notlink", "$1", opencog.atomspace.types.OrLink, list(atomspace)[4]]``
selects all Atoms of type ``NotLink``, all Atoms with name ``"$1"``,
all Atoms of type ``OrLink``, and the fifth Atom in the AtomSpace.
- ``Callable``: A function that gets an Atom as input and needs to
return ``True`` or ``False`` to indicate whether the Atom is selected or not.
- ``target=lambda atom: atom.is_link()`` selects all Atoms that are Links
- ``target=lambda atom:"$")`` selects all Atoms
that have a name starting with ``$``.
context : str, tuple
The context of the selection of Atoms to which it shall be expanded.
Possible values:
- ``atom``: Only the Atoms specified by ``target`` are selected.
- ``in``: The Atoms specified by ``target`` and
all their incoming neighbors are selected.
- ``out``: The Atoms specified by ``target`` and
all their outgoing neighbors are selected.
- ``both``: The Atoms specified by ``target`` and
all their incoming and outgoing neighbors are selected.
This is also known as
`neighborhood <>`__
in graph theory or
`egocentric network <>`__
in social network analysis.
- ``in_tree``: The Atoms specified by ``target`` and all their incoming neighbors are
selected, which is repeated until nothing can be added anymore.
This is also known as
`in-tree or anti-arborescence <>`__
in graph theory.
- ``out_tree``: The Atoms specified by ``target`` and all their outgoing Atoms are
selected, which is repeated until nothing can be added anymore.
This is also known as
`out-tree or arborescence <>`__
in graph theory.
- ``(context, size)``: In the case of ``in``, ``out`` and ``both`` the context
can come with a size, which means how often the selected Atoms are expanded in
the chosen way.
- ``("out", 2)`` means that the selected Atoms are expanded twice by their
outgoing Atoms, instead of just once when using ``out``.
- ``("in", 3)`` means that the selected Atoms are expanded thrice by their
incoming Atoms, instead of just once when using ``in``.
- ``("both", 2)`` means that the selected Atoms are expanded twice by their
incoming and outgoing Atoms, instead of just once when using ``both``.
Note that the result can be and usually is different than the combined
results from ``("in", 2)`` and ``("out", 2)``, because adding an ingoing
neighbor in step 1 and then its outgoing neighbors in step 2 (or vice versa)
captures more Atoms.
mode : str
The selection of Atoms can be the result of the filtering, but it is also possible
to exclude those Atoms and instead return all other ones.
Possible values:
- ``include``: The selection is included in the result.
- ``exclude``: The selection is excluded from the result. Everything else is included.
atoms : list of Atoms
Chaining is possible, which means that the output of a filter application can be used
as input for another one. This allows to combine different targets, contexts and modes
by performing a sequence of filtering steps. Example::
import mevis as mv
atomspace = mv.load('moses.scm')
atoms = mv.filter(atomspace, target="AndLink", context="out-tree", mode="include")
atoms = mv.filter(atoms, target="PredicateNode", context="atom", mode="exclude")
mv.plot(atoms, 'vis', 'dot')
The first line includes Atoms of type ``AndLink`` and their maximally expanded
outgoing neighborhood. The second line excludes Atoms of type ``PredicateNode``
from the previous result.
# Argument processing
_check_arg(data, 'data', (list, _AtomSpace))
_check_arg(target, 'target', (str, int, list, _Callable, _Atom))
_check_arg(mode, 'mode', str, ['include', 'exclude'])
if isinstance(context, tuple):
context, size = context
_check_arg(context, 'context', str, ['in', 'out', 'both'])
_check_arg(size, 'size', int)
if size < 0:
raise ValueError('Context size needs to be equal to or greater than zero.')
except Exception as excp:
message = 'Argument "context" got an invalid tuple as value.'
raise ValueError(message) from excp
_check_arg(context, 'context', str, FILTER_CONTEXTS)
size = 1
given_atoms = data
# Filter: Select all Atoms as specified by target
if isinstance(target, _Atom):
selected_atoms = [target]
func = _prepare_filter_func(target)
selected_atoms = [atom for atom in given_atoms if func(atom)]
# Expand by context: if desired, include some neighboring atoms
selected_atoms = _expand(selected_atoms, context, size)
# Select by mode: if desired, invert the selected set of atoms (=exclude instead of include)
atoms = _include_or_exclude(selected_atoms, given_atoms, mode)
return atoms
def _prepare_filter_func(target):
"""Create a filter function depending on the type of the given target."""
if isinstance(target, str):
target = target.lower()
def func(atom):
# match: name, type name
return == target \
or atom.type_name.lower() == target
elif isinstance(target, int):
def func(atom):
# match: type
return int(atom.type) == target
elif isinstance(target, list):
target = set(x.lower() if isinstance(x, str) else x for x in target)
def func(atom):
# match: name, type name, type, atom
return atom.type_name.lower() in target or \ in target or \
int(atom.type) in target or \
atom in target
elif isinstance(target, _Callable):
func = target
return func
def _expand(atoms, context, context_size):
"""Expand a list of atoms depending on the type of context that shall be included."""
if context == 'in':
# Add all Atoms in the incoming neighborhood of an Atom, repeat it if context size > 1
for _ in range(context_size):
expansion = set()
for atom in atoms:
atoms = list(expansion)
elif context == 'out':
# Add all Atoms in the outgoing neighborhood of an Atom, repeat it if context size > 1
for _ in range(context_size):
expansion = set()
for atom in atoms:
atoms = list(expansion)
elif context == 'both':
# Add all Atoms in the neighborhood of an Atom, repeat it if context size > 1
for _ in range(context_size):
expansion = set()
for atom in atoms:
atoms = list(expansion)
elif context == 'in-tree':
# Add all Atoms in the incoming neighborhood of an Atom, repeat it until all is reached
expansion = set()
for atom in atoms:
expansion = expansion.union(_dfs_in(atom))
atoms = list(expansion)
elif context == 'out-tree':
# Add all Atoms in the outgoing neighborhood of an Atom, repeat it until all is reached
expansion = set()
for atom in atoms:
expansion = expansion.union(_dfs_out(atom))
atoms = list(expansion)
return atoms
def _include_or_exclude(selected, given, mode):
"""Include or exclude the selected Atoms from the initially given Atoms."""
if mode == 'exclude':
selected = [atom for atom in given if atom not in selected]
return selected
def _dfs_out(atom):
"""Traverse an Atom's outgoing neighborhood iteratively with a depth-first search."""
atoms = [atom]
stack = list(atom.out)
while stack:
atom = stack.pop(0)
stack[0:0] = atom.out
return atoms
def _dfs_in(atom):
"""Traverse an Atom's incoming neighborhood iteratively with a depth-first search."""
atoms = [atom]
stack = list(atom.incoming)
while stack:
atom = stack.pop(0)
stack[0:0] = atom.incoming
return atoms