Source code for mevis._internal.inspection

import networkx as _nx
from opencog.type_constructors import AtomSpace as _AtomSpace

from .args import check_arg as _check_arg

[docs]def inspect(data, count_details=True): """Inspect an AtomSpace or graph by counting elements. Parameters ---------- data : AtomSpace, list of Atoms, NetworkX Graph, NetworkX DiGraph count_details : bool If ``True``, some detailed properties of the AtomSpace or Graph are counted. Returns ------- counts : dict A dictionary of element/count pairs. - If AtomSpace or list of Atoms: A dictionary that contains counts of Atoms, Nodes, Links and another dictionary with counts for each Atom type. - If NetworkX Graph or NetworkX DiGraph: A dictionary that contains counts of nodes, edges and annotations. """ # Argument processing _check_arg(data, 'data', (list, _AtomSpace, _nx.Graph, _nx.DiGraph)) # Inspection if isinstance(data, (list, _AtomSpace)): stats = inspect_atomspace(data, count_details) else: stats = inspect_graph(data, count_details) return stats
def inspect_atomspace(data, count_details): if count_details: # Count num_nodes = 0 num_links = 0 num_types = dict() for atom in data: if atom.is_node(): num_nodes += 1 else: num_links += 1 key = atom.type_name try: num_types[key] += 1 except KeyError: num_types[key] = 1 # Combine stats = dict( atoms=num_nodes+num_links, nodes=num_nodes, links=num_links, types=num_types, ) else: # Count num_nodes = 0 num_links = 0 for atom in data: if atom.is_node(): num_nodes += 1 else: num_links += 1 # Combine stats = dict( atoms=num_nodes+num_links, nodes=num_nodes, links=num_links, ) return stats def inspect_graph(data, count_details): if count_details: # Count num_nodes = len(data.nodes) num_edges = len(data.edges) node_cnt = dict() for name in data.nodes: for key, val in data.nodes[name].items(): try: node_cnt[key].add(val) except KeyError: node_cnt[key] = set([val]) for key in node_cnt: node_cnt[key] = len(node_cnt[key]) edge_cnt = dict() for n1, n2 in data.edges: for key, val in data.edges[n1, n2].items(): try: edge_cnt[key].add(val) except KeyError: edge_cnt[key] = set([val]) for key in edge_cnt: edge_cnt[key] = len(edge_cnt[key]) # Combine stats = dict( nodes=num_nodes, edges=num_edges, node_properties=node_cnt, edge_properties=edge_cnt, ) else: # Count num_nodes = len(data.nodes) num_edges = len(data.edges) # Combine stats = dict( nodes=num_nodes, edges=num_edges, ) return stats