import networkx as _nx
from opencog.type_constructors import AtomSpace as _AtomSpace
from .args import check_arg as _check_arg
from .conversion import convert as _convert
GRAPHVIZ_METHODS = ['dot', 'neato', 'twopi', 'circo', 'fdp', 'sfdp']
'bipartite', 'circular', 'kamada_kawai', 'planar', 'random', 'shell', 'spring',
'spectral', 'spiral']
[docs]def layout(data, method='neato', scale_x=1.0, scale_y=1.0, mirror_x=False, mirror_y=True,
center_x=True, center_y=True, **kwargs):
"""Calculate a layout for a given NetworkX graph with a chosen method.
data : NetworkX Graph, NetworkX DiGraph, AtomSpace, list of Atoms
Input that gets augmented by a layout in form of x and y coordinates for each node.
If the data is an AtomSpace or list of Atoms, it is first converted to a
NetworkX graph by implicitely calling :func:`convert` with default arguments.
Alternatively, it can also be called explicitly by a user on an AtomSpace
for finer control. The result can then be fed into this layout function.
method : str
Layout method for calculating node coordinates, e.g. a Graphviz layout engine.
Possible values:
- Graphviz layouts
- ``"dot"``: hierarchical layout for directed graphs,
see `dot <>`__
- ``"neato"``: spring model layout for up to 100 nodes,
minimizes a global energy function,
see `neato <>`__
- ``"twopi"``: radial layout placing nodes on concentric circles depending
on their distance from a root node,
see `twopi <>`__
- ``"circo"``: circular layout,
see `circo <>`__
- ``"fdp"``: spring model layout for larger graphs,
reduces forces with the Fruchterman-Reingold heuristic,
see `fdp <>`__
- ``"sfdp"``: multiscale version of ``fdp`` for large graphs
see `sfdp <>`__
- NetworkX layouts
- ``bipartite``: nodes in two straight lines,
see `bipartite_layout <>`__
- ``circular``: nodes on a circle,
see `circular_layout <>`__
- ``kamada_kawai``: using Kamada-Kawai path-length cost-function,
see `kamada_kawai_layout <>`__
- ``planar``: nodes without edge intersections, fails if the graph is not planar,
see `planar_layout <>`__
- ``random``: nodes uniformly at random in the unit square,
see `random_layout <>`__
- ``shell``: nodes in concentric circles,
best with ``nlist`` defining list of nodes for each shell,
see `shell_layout <>`__
- ``spectral``: using the eigenvectors of the graph Laplacian,
see `spectral_layout <>`__
- ``spiral``: nodes in a spiral,
see `spiral_layout <>`__
- ``spring``: using Fruchterman-Reingold force-directed algorithm,
see `spring_layout <>`__
scale_x : int, float
A number to contract or stretch the layout along the x coordinate.
scale_y : int, float
A number to contract or stretch the layout along the y coordinate.
mirror_x : bool
if ``True``, the x coordinates are inverted.
mirror_y : bool
if ``True``, the y coordinates are inverted.
center_x : bool
if ``True``, the x coordinates are shifted so the extreme values have equal distance to 0.
center_y : bool
if ``True``, the y coordinates are shifted so the extreme values have equal distance to 0.
Other keyword arguments are forwarded to the layout method.
graph: NetworkX Graph or NetworkX DiGraph
- Graphviz documentation:
`layouts <>`__
- NetworkX documentation:
`graphviz_layout <>`__
Graphviz layouts are influenced by graph properties, e.g. whether a graph
is directed or undirected, or whether the shapes of nodes are circle or rectangle.
# Argument processing
_check_arg(data, 'data', (_nx.Graph, _nx.DiGraph, _AtomSpace, list))
_check_arg(method, 'method', str, LAYOUT_METHODS)
_check_arg(scale_x, 'scale_x', (int, float))
_check_arg(scale_y, 'scale_y', (int, float))
_check_arg(mirror_x, 'mirror_x', bool)
_check_arg(mirror_y, 'mirror_y', bool)
_check_arg(center_x, 'center_x', bool)
_check_arg(center_y, 'center_y', bool)
# Optional conversion
if isinstance(data, (_AtomSpace, list)):
data = _convert(data)
# Calculate layout
positions = calc_layout(data, method, kwargs)
# Annotate graph
data = annotate(data, positions, mirror_x, mirror_y, center_x, center_y, scale_x, scale_y)
return data
def calc_layout(graph, method, kwargs):
"""Calculate x and y coordinates for each node in the given graph with the chosen method."""
if method in GRAPHVIZ_METHODS:
# Calculate a Graphviz layout
pos = _nx.nx_agraph.graphviz_layout(graph, method, **kwargs)
# Prepare a NetworkX layout
function = getattr(_nx.drawing.layout, method + '_layout')
if method == 'bipartite':
kwargs = prepare_bipartite(graph, kwargs)
elif method == 'shell':
kwargs = prepare_shell(graph, kwargs)
# Calculate a NetworkX layout
pos = function(graph, **kwargs)
# Pre-scale it to become roughly compatible with plotting without user-provided scaling
pos = {node: (x*300, y*300) for node, (x, y) in pos.items()}
return pos
def annotate(data, pos, mirror_x, mirror_y, center_x, center_y, scale_x, scale_y):
"""Annotate graph with coordinates from the layout and optional corrections."""
nodes = data.nodes
sign_x, sign_y = calc_mirror(mirror_x, mirror_y)
shift_x, shift_y = calc_shift(pos, center_x, center_y)
for uid, (x, y) in pos.items():
node = nodes[uid]
node['x'] = (x + shift_x) * scale_x * sign_x
node['y'] = (y + shift_y) * scale_y * sign_y
return data
def calc_mirror(mirror_x, mirror_y):
sign_x = -1.0 if mirror_x else 1.0
sign_y = -1.0 if mirror_y else 1.0
return sign_x, sign_y
def calc_shift(layout, center_x, center_y):
"""Shift the x and/or y coordinates so they become centered around zero to improve plots."""
if not center_x and not center_y:
# Shift nothing
shift_x = shift_y = 0.0 # shift nothing
# Shift x and/or y
min_x = min_y = float('inf')
max_x = max_y = float('-inf')
for x, y in layout.values():
if x < min_x:
min_x = x
if x > max_x:
max_x = x
if y < min_y:
min_y = y
if y > max_y:
max_y = y
# Shift x or not
if center_x and min_x != float('inf') and max_x != float('-inf'):
shift_x = -min_x - (max_x - min_x) / 2.0
shift_x = 0.0
# Shift y or not
if center_y and min_y != float('inf') and max_y != float('-inf'):
shift_y = -min_y - (max_y - min_y) / 2.0
shift_y = 0.0
return shift_x, shift_y
def prepare_bipartite(graph, kwargs):
"""Add a default nodes argument based on color to get a plot with two lines of nodes."""
all_colors = set(vals.get('color', None) for vals in graph.nodes.values())
one_color = list(all_colors)[0]
nodes_of_one_type = [key for key, vals in graph.nodes.items()
if vals.get('color', None) == one_color]
except Exception:
nodes_of_one_type = graph.nodes
kwargs['nodes'] = kwargs.get('nodes', nodes_of_one_type)
return kwargs
def prepare_shell(graph, kwargs):
"""Add a default nlist argument based on color to get a plot with two shells of nodes."""
all_colors = set(vals.get('color', None) for vals in graph.nodes.values())
one_color = list(all_colors)[0]
nodes_of_one_type = [key for key, vals in graph.nodes.items()
if vals.get('color', None) == one_color]
nodes_of_other_type = [key for key in graph.nodes if key not in nodes_of_one_type]
nlist = [nodes_of_one_type, nodes_of_other_type]
except Exception:
nlist = [list(graph.nodes)]
kwargs['nlist'] = kwargs.get('nlist', nlist)
return kwargs