from import Callable as _Callable
import gravis as _gv
import networkx as _nx
from opencog.atomspace import Atom as _Atom
from opencog.type_constructors import AtomSpace as _AtomSpace
from .args import check_arg as _check_arg
from .conversion import convert as _convert
from .filtering import filter as _filter
from .layouting import LAYOUT_METHODS as _LAYOUT_METHODS
from .layouting import layout as _layout
[docs]def plot(data, backend='vis',
layout_method=None, layout_scale_x=1.0, layout_scale_y=1.0,
layout_mirror_x=False, layout_mirror_y=True, layout_center_x=True, layout_center_y=True,
filter_target=None, filter_context='atom', filter_mode='include',
graph_annotated=True, graph_directed=True, node_label=None, node_color=None,
node_opacity=None, node_size=None, node_shape=None, node_border_color=None,
node_border_size=None, node_label_color=None, node_label_size=None, node_hover=None,
node_click=None, node_image=None, node_properties=None,
edge_label=None, edge_color=None, edge_opacity=None, edge_size=None,
edge_label_color=None, edge_label_size=None, edge_hover=None, edge_click=None,
"""Create a graph visualization of a given AtomSpace, list of Atoms or NetworkX graph.
data : Atomspace, list of Atoms, NetworkX Graph, NetworkX DiGraph
The input data that shall be visualized.
If it is already a NetworkX Graph or NetworkX DiGraph, no conversion,
layouting and filtering steps are performed, which means that most
arguments have no effect.
backend : str
Library used for the graph visualization.
Possible values:
- ``"d3"``: Uses `d3.js <>`__
to generate a 2d plot based on the
`HTML SVG element <>`__,
which is vector graphics that can be exported as SVG, PNG or JPG.
- ``"vis"``: Uses `vis.js <>`__
to generate a 2d plot based on the
`HTML Canvas element <>`__,
which is raster graphics that can be exported as PNG or JPG.
- ``"three"``: Uses `three.js <>`__
to generate a 3d plot based on
`HTML WebGL element <>`__,
which is raster graphics that can be exported as PNG or JPG.
See documentation of the :func:`filter` function.
graph_[...], node_[...], edge_[...]
See documentation of the :func:`convert` function.
See documentation of the :func:`layout` function.
Other keyword arguments are forwarded to the plotting method.
See documentation of
`gravis <>`__.
Various aspects of the graph visualizations can be changed interactively
by a user in the HTML menus, but often it is desirable to set suitable
initial values, e.g. ``edge_curvature=0.2`` for curved instead of
straight edges.
fig : `Figure <>`__
A figure object from gravis that can be used for displaying or exporting the plot.
**Pre-processing steps** can be triggered by providing values for
the arguments ``filter_target`` or ``layout_method`` and modified
by providing values for arguments like ``node_color`` and ``node_size``.
1. **Filter**: Reduce the AtomSpace to a list of relevant Atoms.
2. **Convert**: Transform the AtomSpace to a NetworkX graph and add annotations
to its nodes and edges. By providing arguments like ``node_size`` it is possible
to translate information such as truth values into visual properties such as
node size, color or shape.
3. **Layout**: Calculate x and y coordinates to better recognize structures
in the AtomSpace such as hierarchies and clusters.
These steps are implemented by the functions
:func:`filter`, :func:`convert` and :func:`layout`.
They are called implicitely by this plotting function with default arguments.
Alternatively, they can be called explicitly by a user on an AtomSpace
for finer control. The result can then be fed into this plotting function.
# Argument processing
_check_arg(data, 'data', (_AtomSpace, list, _nx.Graph, _nx.DiGraph))
_check_arg(backend, 'backend', str, ['d3', 'vis', 'three'])
# layout
_check_arg(layout_method, 'layout_method', str, _LAYOUT_METHODS, allow_none=True)
_check_arg(layout_scale_x, 'layout_scale_x', (int, float))
_check_arg(layout_scale_x, 'layout_scale_y', (int, float))
_check_arg(layout_mirror_x, 'layout_mirror_x', bool)
_check_arg(layout_mirror_y, 'layout_mirror_y', bool)
_check_arg(layout_center_x, 'layout_center_x', bool)
_check_arg(layout_center_y, 'layout_center_y', bool)
# filter
filter_target, 'filter_target', (str, int, list, _Callable, _Atom), allow_none=True)
_check_arg(filter_context, 'filter_context', (str, tuple))
_check_arg(filter_mode, 'filter_mode', str, ['include', 'exclude'])
# convert: arguments have exactly the same name and thus are checked in the convert function
# Preparing the graph or AtomSpace
if isinstance(data, (_nx.Graph, _nx.DiGraph)):
graph = data
# Optional: Filtering of AtomSpace
if filter_target is None:
atoms = data
atoms = _filter(data, filter_target, filter_context, filter_mode)
# Conversion of AtomSpace to graph
graph = _convert(
atoms, graph_annotated, graph_directed,
node_label, node_color, node_opacity, node_size, node_shape,
node_border_color, node_border_size,
node_label_color, node_label_size, node_hover, node_click,
node_image, node_properties,
edge_label, edge_color, edge_opacity, edge_size,
edge_label_color, edge_label_size, edge_hover, edge_click)
# Optional: Layout of graph
if layout_method is not None:
graph = _layout(
graph, layout_method,
layout_scale_x, layout_scale_y, layout_mirror_x, layout_mirror_y,
layout_center_x, layout_center_y)
# Setting some defaults for plotting
kwargs['node_label_data_source'] = kwargs.get('node_label_data_source', 'label')
kwargs['edge_label_data_source'] = kwargs.get('edge_label_data_source', 'label')
kwargs['show_edge_label'] = kwargs.get('show_edge_label', edge_label is not None)
# Plotting
if backend == 'd3':
fig = _gv.d3(graph, **kwargs)
elif backend == 'vis':
fig = _gv.vis(graph, **kwargs)
elif backend == 'three':
fig = _gv.three(graph, **kwargs)
return fig