"""Cached calculations of Weighted Hierarchical Grammatical Evolution (WHGE)."""
import math as _math
from ... import _grammar
from .. import _shared
[docs]def shortest_distances(grammar):
"""Calculate for each nonterminal the minimum distance to reach only terminals.
Distance is not clear, because it could mean number of expansions but
actually means tree depth.
- Bartoli, Castelli, Medvet in 2018: `Weighted Hierarchical Grammatical Evolution
- p. 4: "set i equal to the index of the production rule in R s which leads to a sequence
of terminals in the lowest number of derivations from s [ShortestRuleIndex()]"
- Software implementation
- `HierarchicalMapper.java
- data structure: ``optionJumpsToTerminalMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();``
- algorithm: two loops, the first to set a default, the second to actually compute it
- final value: shortestOptionIndexesMap stores the indices of the shortest rules
of each nonterminal
# Compute distances
option_jumps_to_terminal = grammar._lookup_or_calc(
# Compute positions of minimal values instead of having repeated distance comparisons later
max_int = 2147483647
shortest_option_indices = dict()
for lhs_symbol in grammar.production_rules:
min_jumps = max_int
for i in range(len(option_jumps_to_terminal[lhs_symbol])):
local_jumps = option_jumps_to_terminal[lhs_symbol][i]
if local_jumps < min_jumps:
min_jumps = local_jumps
indices = []
for i in range(len(option_jumps_to_terminal[lhs_symbol])):
if option_jumps_to_terminal[lhs_symbol][i] == min_jumps:
shortest_option_indices[lhs_symbol] = indices
return shortest_option_indices
[docs]def expressive_powers(grammar, max_depth):
"""Pre-calculate the expressive power of each non-terminal symbol in the grammar.
What is actually calculated and stored is not ``expressive_power`` itself but
``ceil(log2(expressive_power))`` in order to further decrease the amount of
repetitive computations later.
- Bartoli, Castelli, Medvet in 2018: `Weighted Hierarchical Grammatical Evolution
- p. 4: "We quantify the expressive power e_s of a symbol s with the number of
different (partial) derivation trees with which can be generated from
s (e_s = 1 for terminal symbols). [...]
if a derivation tree still contains nonterminals at depth n_d,
we do not further derive them and count the resulting partial derivation trees
without further deriving them."
- p. 4: Pseudocode - Algorithm 2:
- There seem to be two small errors
1) The floor function ⌊ ⌋ should actually be the ceiling function ⌈ ⌉
and the length l should be outside of it and multiplied after rounding.
This has the effect that if log2 of an expressive power is between 0 and 1,
it is rounded up to 1 and therefore the nonterminal has some weight instead
of none.
The reference code correctly uses the ceiling function to calculate
the weights.
See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floor_and_ceiling_functions
2) The index in the while loop needs to start with 1 instead of 0.
If code starts counting from 0, then j = 1 + (c mod n) becomes
j = c mod n or otherwise j may become too large and cause an IndexError.
- Software implementation
- `WeightedHierarchicalMapper.java
- For each nonterminal, the expressive power is calculated and stored
in a HashMap as ceil(log2(expressive_power)):
- data structure: weightsMap = new HashMap<>();
- algorithm: a method called for each nonterminal with the name
countOptions(T symbol, int level, int maxLevel)
- final value: int bits = (int) Math.ceil(Math.log10(options) / Math.log10(2d));
def count_options(grammar, symbol, level, max_level):
if isinstance(symbol, _grammar.data_structures.TerminalSymbol):
return 1
rules = grammar.production_rules[symbol]
if level >= max_level:
return len(rules)
count = 0
for rule in rules:
for rhs_symbol in rule:
count += count_options(grammar, rhs_symbol, level + 1, max_level)
return count
ep_map = dict()
for nt_symbol in grammar.nonterminal_symbols:
value = count_options(grammar, nt_symbol, level=0, max_level=max_depth)
ep_map[nt_symbol] = _math.ceil(_math.log2(value))
return ep_map