Cached calculations of Weighted Hierarchical Grammatical Evolution (WHGE).
Calculate for each nonterminal the minimum distance to reach only terminals. |
Pre-calculate the expressive power of each non-terminal symbol in the grammar. |
Detailed object descriptions¶
Calculate for each nonterminal the minimum distance to reach only terminals.
Distance is not clear, because it could mean number of expansions but actually means tree depth.
Bartoli, Castelli, Medvet in 2018: Weighted Hierarchical Grammatical Evolution
p. 4: “set i equal to the index of the production rule in R s which leads to a sequence of terminals in the lowest number of derivations from s [ShortestRuleIndex()]”
Software implementation
data structure:
optionJumpsToTerminalMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
algorithm: two loops, the first to set a default, the second to actually compute it
final value: shortestOptionIndexesMap stores the indices of the shortest rules of each nonterminal
-, max_depth)[source]¶
Pre-calculate the expressive power of each non-terminal symbol in the grammar.
What is actually calculated and stored is not
itself butceil(log2(expressive_power))
in order to further decrease the amount of repetitive computations later.References
Bartoli, Castelli, Medvet in 2018: Weighted Hierarchical Grammatical Evolution
p. 4: “We quantify the expressive power e_s of a symbol s with the number of different (partial) derivation trees with which can be generated from s (e_s = 1 for terminal symbols). […] if a derivation tree still contains nonterminals at depth n_d, we do not further derive them and count the resulting partial derivation trees without further deriving them.”
4: Pseudocode - Algorithm 2:
There seem to be two small errors
The floor function ⌊ ⌋ should actually be the ceiling function ⌈ ⌉ and the length l should be outside of it and multiplied after rounding. This has the effect that if log2 of an expressive power is between 0 and 1, it is rounded up to 1 and therefore the nonterminal has some weight instead of none. The reference code correctly uses the ceiling function to calculate the weights. See also
The index in the while loop needs to start with 1 instead of 0. If code starts counting from 0, then j = 1 + (c mod n) becomes j = c mod n or otherwise j may become too large and cause an IndexError.
Software implementation
For each nonterminal, the expressive power is calculated and stored in a HashMap as ceil(log2(expressive_power)):
data structure: weightsMap = new HashMap<>();
algorithm: a method called for each nonterminal with the name countOptions(T symbol, int level, int maxLevel)
final value: int bits = (int) Math.ceil(Math.log10(options) / Math.log10(2d));