Diophantine equation

This notebook contains an example of solving a discrete optimization problem. The task is to search for integer solution of a simple Diophantine equation: $ x^2 + y^2 = z^2 $


import alogos as al

Search space

Define a grammar

The grammar describes a language of strings that represent a triple of integer numbers.

ebnf_text = """
triple = "(" integer ", " integer ", " integer ")"
integer = nonzero_digit digit+
nonzero_digit = "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"

grammar = al.Grammar(ebnf_text=ebnf_text)

Generate random strings

for _ in range(10):
(84, 4571, 106)
(44, 224, 94)
(43, 25, 5103)
(227, 48, 52)
(7014, 393, 84)
(14, 85, 245251)
(518, 556, 57)
(94998, 73, 262)
(769, 3608, 26)
(56, 2618, 47)

Search goal

The problem of finding $ x, y, z $ such that $ x^2 + y^2 = z^2 $ can be expressed as a minimization problem in following way:

  • $ f(x, y, z) = \left| ; z^2 - (x^2 + y^2) ; \right| $

  • $ :nbsphinx-math:`min `f(x, y, z) $

Define an objective function

def objective_function(string):
    x, y, z = eval(string)
    deviation = abs(z**2 - (x**2 + y**2))
    return deviation

Test it on a random string

string = grammar.generate_string()
fitness = objective_function(string)

(73, 96, 880)

Search for an optimal string

Search for an optimal string

best_individual = ea.run()

Progress         Generations      Evaluations      Runtime (sec)    Best fitness
..... .....      10               990              0.5              28.0
..... .....      20               1908             0.6              7.0
..... .....      30               2706             0.7              6.0
..... .....      40               3485             0.8              4.0
..... .....      50               4227             0.9              4.0
..... .....      60               4888             1.0              1.0
..... .....      70               5621             1.1              1.0
..... ..

Finished         77               6180             1.2              0.0
(30, 16, 34)

Analyze the result

x, y, z = eval(best_individual.phenotype)
rest = int(best_individual.fitness)

print('Diophantine equation: {}^2 + {}^2 = {}^2'.format(x, y, z))
print('x^2 = {}^2 = {}'.format(x, x**2))
print('y^2 = {}^2 = {}'.format(y, y**2))
print('z^2 = {}^2 = {}'.format(z, z**2))
Diophantine equation: 30^2 + 16^2 = 34^2

x^2 = 30^2 = 900
y^2 = 16^2 = 256
z^2 = 34^2 = 1156